Sunday, August 30, 2009

This is My Day!

This is my day,
My Baptism Day
Life in God's kingdom begins in this way........
Congratulations Johnny, I can't believe you are eight!
We were so happy to be a part of John's baptism. He was baptized in the same font that Corey baptized Marisa in 13 years ago! Who would have thunk it!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Important Numbers

34-1975-5- 5.5-a whole string of numbers that don't mean much of anything to any one but me.
Wonder what will be going on in 34 more!?

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I haven't posted in ever so long and so I thought I would try to put a few things up.Chris and Chira notified us last week that they are going to have a baby! We are so excited for them and for the little one that will be a new member of their family. Chris went to California for a week and now Chira and Caden are in Utah for a few weeks to attend weddings and baptisms.
Natalie has a new haircut. Should have taken a picture while it was still professionally styled cause now all she has is me! She is excited about our little jaunt to Utah this week.
Corey and Steph are gearing up for their annual BIRTHDAY WEEK! John was born on August 20 and two years (almost) later Madi was born on the 18th. So we are going to be birthdaying it week after next. Johnny is going to turn eight! What an exciting thing.
Lisa and Ragnar just celebrated their fifth anniversary and Cavin and Ella are growing and going and keeping us entertained and hopping. Cavin is learning new things everyday that he can do with that chunky little body of his and he loves it! He can climb and walk and run and sit and roll and march and jump! It is 'Cavin' jumping but nobody is more delighted at the prospects than he is! And Ella delights in serving us pizza and making us cocoa and twirling in her dresses and teeling us stories.
Marisa walks this week. She will be finished in December but they will be gone to Idaho to school by April so since she is eliglible to walk now, she is going to! She has been called to work in her RS Presidency as of today and so she is (and actually has been for a little while) a Relief Society girl! We are excited to see the kids when we run up. ( I know! the photo is random!)

R and R

Kerry and I went to visit a new little family that moved into the ward through the block and in the process of talking with them a minute, I invited Raney to come for a walk with me some morning when I take the dog out and I would show her where everyone in the neighborhood lived (we have 20 ish families that are members in our little sub-division). She responded favorably and then she asked what time I went walking at which point Kerry kind of smirked and the point was made that I am not a particularly structured person by nature and therefore my morning walk time was fairly randomly scheduled (basically when I feel like it). NOW, if you know anything at all about Kerry, you know that the opposite could be said of him. He IS a structured guy and I can pretty much tell you at any given momnet of the day what he is up to. So there you have it! Kerry and I can now be known by our psuedonyms, Random and Robot! R and R...ying and yang and black and white. We will celebrate 34 years of marriage a little later this month and you may be able to see that we have had some learning curves to navigate. It's all good. That's what it is all about! [Speaking of random, the picture I posted was from a youth conference that Kerry attended earlier this year. It was a Book of Mormon re-enactment kind of thing and he and two other bishop's went as the Three Nephites! He and Bishop Peterson are standing as watchmen on the tower!)