Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am feeling fractured! When I have more than a few projects that I need to attend to, I don't do well! That will not be news to most of you. So I am trying to figure out how to get moving in a forward direction! Yikes...maybe a list

texture the bathroom wall
clean fridge (and freezers)
Sunday school lesson
Christmas finished and wrapped for out of town folks
organize wedding junk
mailing lists
figure out how to get invitations down here
turn RS stuff over to Amy
baby shower tonight and gifts to about five babies now that I have missed
Natalie's ICS people
phones exchanged (7-10 days if I can get Missa to authorize them because Kerry has her listed as an authorized account member but not me!)
budget/funding management
money to Missa's account
talk to Jenny
send Halloween treat to grandkids
call Bobbie
walk the dog
clean up my little old MESSY house!

Does it just make you want to jump off a cliff??!!!! The boys are saying to themselves, 'then quit blogging and get busy' and they will be accurate in their response to this frustration............so enjoy your day......I am off!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

the speers said...

It's good to have a list, then you can check it off when you're done! :D have fun...!!!