As the year closes out I thought I would note a few of the years hi-lites for the sake of posterity and record keeping and all things 'memorable'. I am going to skip the whole chronology because that would really tax my brain.
Coleton Younes Speers was born January 28th, 2010. He weighed 5 lbs 1 oz.
Liam Ethan Scharman was born June 30th, 2010. He weighed 8 lbs 12 oz.
Corey graduated from Baylor College of Medicine.
Chris changed assignments at work and is now working in 'Lubes' (whatever that means)
Cavin learned how to wear big boy undies very easily; a blessing to his mother.
John and Madi started a new school that they like alot.
Corey and Steph sold their home in Humble.
Missa went to work in Idaho Falls, her first paid teaching job.
We held a Haws family reunion in July in Vernal. Chris and Chira and family attended.
My 35th Uintah High School Class Reunion was held in August. Me and Becky and Laurie went.
Mom had her hip replaced a year ago and did better for a while.
Visited with Lois and David Powers and Don and Lynette Taylor and Scott Lewis and Fran and Art Ericson; all dear old friends.
Went to Hawaii with Lisa and Ragnar and Natalie.
Mabel turned 85.
Dad turned 81.
I won't tell you what I turned.
Randy returned home from Iraq and then moved to Kentucky.
We took Johnny up to Randy's Change of Command ceremony
I was called to teach seminary.
Kerry has been working in the Stake Presidency since the end of last year.
We had car trouble on our road trip to Utah which fuels Kerry's "i hate road trips' fire.
The car trouble fueled my 'Father in Heaven watches over us' fire as we had the real brake trouble at exactly the necessary spot to access help.
We went to DC to bless Coleton. Lisa and the kids came with us. We had a great trip.
I went to DC just to see Coleton when he was few weeks old.
Went to Idaho when Liam was born for 10 days.
Had Corey and Steph and fam and Lisa and Rags and fam for Thanksgiving.
Had all the kids home for Christmas this year. A wonderful way to end the year and start the new one.
Happy New Year!
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