Trying to make a weekly post...we will see how long that lasts. Kerry home today which is a fairly rare event. Kind of fun to have him around. He helped me with a bit of Christmas shopping. Something tells me the holidays are going to come crashing in this year. Then he spent two hours on a conference call with President Rawson and Kunz. Nan and I went and finished a bit more shopping while he was otherwise engaged!
Marisa called and said that the ultrasound for the baby went well and that they can hear a heartbeat. That is exciting news! She has 'morning sickness' medicine now and so we hope that will help. Babies are wonderful. Nan working and getting excited about holidays as only she can. Corey about done with this year's rotations! That will be a great day. Chris is sick tonight with a headache. Bless his heart. They have been dumped on by the remnants of Hurricane Ida in Virginia. Allen Johnson came for a visit last night. He is Kerry's high school buddy/college roomate and the kid that helped him take the discussions and join the church. He comes to visit his daugher and grandaughters in Houston once a year. Fun to have him. A very interesting guy. And totally blown away by the whole Stake Presidency counselor thing/call! He knew Kerry when he was a total knucklehead! Makes me smile.
I will post a fun picture[s] that will once again be highly random! So the first photo is of a Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall (otherwise known as the Wailing Wall) and the second one is a statue at the {Greek} Orthodox? Church that was built very near the Garden of fact, on the grounds of the garden...a little blast from the past of two autumns ago! Have a great week!
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