Thursday, November 19, 2009


Mom had scheduled hip replacement surgery for today with much consternation and concern on the part of her family. But she has made it through the surgery and is doing well and we are hoping that she will do as well with the rehab. The resident's comments to mom before the surgery were that this was high risk and her test results were less than favorable; the dr's comment after the surgery was that the hip was a real mess. Contradiction seems to be mom's watch-cry. Don't really need evidence of His willingness to bless us but I am always in awe of that willingness...His blessings are abundant and usually undeserved but abundant none the less.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Trying to make a weekly post...we will see how long that lasts. Kerry home today which is a fairly rare event. Kind of fun to have him around. He helped me with a bit of Christmas shopping. Something tells me the holidays are going to come crashing in this year. Then he spent two hours on a conference call with President Rawson and Kunz. Nan and I went and finished a bit more shopping while he was otherwise engaged!
Marisa called and said that the ultrasound for the baby went well and that they can hear a heartbeat. That is exciting news! She has 'morning sickness' medicine now and so we hope that will help. Babies are wonderful. Nan working and getting excited about holidays as only she can. Corey about done with this year's rotations! That will be a great day. Chris is sick tonight with a headache. Bless his heart. They have been dumped on by the remnants of Hurricane Ida in Virginia. Allen Johnson came for a visit last night. He is Kerry's high school buddy/college roomate and the kid that helped him take the discussions and join the church. He comes to visit his daugher and grandaughters in Houston once a year. Fun to have him. A very interesting guy. And totally blown away by the whole Stake Presidency counselor thing/call! He knew Kerry when he was a total knucklehead! Makes me smile.

I will post a fun picture[s] that will once again be highly random! So the first photo is of a Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall (otherwise known as the Wailing Wall) and the second one is a statue at the {Greek} Orthodox? Church that was built very near the Garden of fact, on the grounds of the garden...a little blast from the past of two autumns ago! Have a great week!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'll Huff and I'll Puff

I really have days when it would be OK if the big bad wolf showed up at the front door and huffed and puffed and blew my house down. I would at least feel like it came from an outside source as opposed to the slow painful demise that currently is at work here. The roof people replaced the roof after a hail storm a few years ago (not a hurricane mind you, a hail storm) then we had air conditioning and ceiling leaking problems that seemed un-related but now have proven to be connected. So the ceiling had to be repaired on two levels of the house and the air conditioning continues to function below minimal levels and now the plumber is here trying to resolve a back up in the system that seems to have been the source of the air conditioning overflow problem which caused the ceiling issues.AHHHHHH!!! And my floors ans walls are getting beat up in the process and the house is in serious need of some cosmetic and routine maintenance work and all in all, as hard as I try to keep it maintained, it has outpaced me! Just a fun Monday.
In other news, Kerry was released as Bishop yesterday and promptly flew out to Mexico City this morning (those are un-related events as well unless he doesn't come back!) He will feel a void in his life from the hole that the Bishop thing will leave in his heart and schedule but he won't have much time to worry about it. He has plenty of other items that will require his attention. Nan is having work scheduling issues......Corey and Stephani are fielding responses to his application(s) for transition programs and residencies. He has a one year transition program that is required in his field of endeavor and then the residency begins after that for four? years?. So twice the applications and twice the interviews. And twice the expense of flying to interviews. Bless his heart. Chris and Chira are heading to Utah for Thanksgiving. Lisa and Ragnar are in the throws of beginning season NBA basketball. Marisa is counting down her student teaching and very excited to be able to announce an impending birth to their family. Ran to Killeen to watch Jon play football and see Jana and the kids...then a week later that horrific assault occurred. Some are calling it a terrorist act.
Halloween was fun.....last week I took Nan to Mary Poppins and that was fun. Lots happening at church......and the holidays are coming on! So I'll huff and I'll puff and keep going along!