Here are a few more photos from the trip to Guatemala. Been trying to find these for a while to get a few posted. I was going to do a bit each day. I find that doing anything consistently is the hardest thing I do in the world! Journal-ing, blogging, exercising, letter writing, reading, cooking, budgeting etc. etc. etc.test me to the max..........Been working hard on getting the house dug out and re-arranged now that my darling boarders are gone. Lisa and Ragnar are happily ensconced in their new little abode in Atascocita and my house is empty and and a bit too quiet but I am glad for them to be able to be on their own. It is a much nicer way for little families to live. Nan and I and the dog rattle around here. Nan is working a bunch more. She has to work this Sunday. Kerry has a pile of stuff on his plate that is pressuring him. Some fairly heavy responsibilities for a month or two. He just got back from Bucharest. Corey and Steph are in the winding down phases of this year's rotations....he is finished in November and has December and January to fly around the country interviewing with transitory program directors and residency program administrators. Chris and Chira are 'potty training' and 'binky breaking' and 'big boy' bed switching Caden in prep for their new little fella that is coming along early next year. And Marisa is finishing a fairly stringent student teaching assignment that has stretched her expectations of providing care and teaching to disabled populations. Grateful that the kids are well and that they are getting along ok. Loved General Conference and the General Relief Society Broadcast a week or so ago and am always grateful for the blessings of the gospel in our lives.
PS The stuff that just popped up on the blog with some past dates have been sitting in 'draft' for a fairly long time so don't let that stuff fool you...I was trying to import photos and kind of finally did it! These photos are of Palnenque and then our trip down the River Usi-something heading to Yaxitlan. The children (four and five and six year olds) live along the river and when they see tourist boats coming along they hop in the canoe and paddle out and offer to let us take their picture for a dollar (one dollar one dollar!) They are desperately poor and to die for adorable. Women washing babies and clothes all up and down the river.
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