33 years ago today we were married in the Salt Lake Temple. Fiddler on the Roof was all the rage on Broadway and in the theaters and the immortal words of Tevya's daughters come to mind "Up to this moment I misunderstood, that I could get stuck for good!! Good thing I picked a good guy! So, is this picture scary or what?! A current picture may be scarier! Spooky.....
They have been really pretty interesting years and we have gone to places and enjoyed/survived/been challenged by experiences that I would never/could never have contemplated on that day so long ago. In the beginning I thought that we would live our lives out in eastern Utah and raise a family and grow a garden and do a little church work on the side. I knew where Texas was but only because Dallas was a TV show that was fairly popular in those days. And I was thinking six kids, Kerry was thinking three; I thought Salt Lake City was huge and totally beyond navigation and Kerry thought Vernal was Mayberry; I thought I would be a great little mother and homemaker (ie Mrs. CLeaver) and so did Kerry...OOPS. Kerry thought we would be VERY COMFORTABLE, riding snow mobiles and three wheelers and maybe go to Hawaii some day. Hard to even think what else we were thinking. Anyway, thanks, honey, for broadening my horizons and taking care of us all these many years. Bring on the next 33!
Happy anniversary! The thing I like most about this picture is Kerry's hair! It's killer!! Hope you have a fun day, we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!
Happy Anniversary mom and dad! Boy am I glad you got married! The hair, well no comment, but I guess he at least didn't have the mustache then! We love you! Thanks for hanging in there so long!
Terryl & Kerry - Happy Anniversary! Happy to find out about your blog. Angela and Linsey both do blogs - I just post a few of our pictures on our family website. I'm not sure I'd keep up with a blog, but I take my hat off to you! Yours is great! I'll have to flag the address and come visit often!
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