This is a photo from our trek to Israel a few years ago...we were going down the steps into the area in a cathedral in Bethlehem where they feel that the Savior was born. It is a site whereon several churches have built cathedrals and shrines to the Christ has become very non-manger-ish and non-stable-ish as they have guilded and adorned and encrusted the site with much that the world values but with nothing the Child would have was crowded and hustle-y and bustle-y and very much NOT a peaceful place where you could make a connect to the sacred event that is said to have transpired there. Hmmmmmmmm......there is a pattern there that I am picking up on...a holiday(site) meant to celebrate the Savior but with little real semblance of anything that actually does celebrate the Savior.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Hustle and bustle is the name of the season but my hussle is bustle-d! I told Kerry that I think I have too many 'windows' open on my 'screen' and the hard drive is bogging down! So I may need to be re-booted and see if I can get some forward progress going again! I hope that you are finding all well this season and getting a few of the things that you want to have done.......done!
My mom is home from her hip replacement surgery and we find that to be a miracle..I guess 'tis the season. Kerry's step Aunt Ruth passed away on Tuesday in Vernal. Mabel has done a magnificent job of assisting her during these last years of her life. I hope Ruth is able to understand that now. She would not have been able to before due to her mental alertness and assessment skills. But no matter, the guy that really counts knows. Nan is beside herself with anticipation. She loves the holidays. Corey is all over the place interviewing for transition year programs and resident programs. That process will continue into the new year. Chris is working hard in VA and they are awaiting the arrival of their new little one in January. Lisa and Rags are in the throws of the Rockets basketball season and Marisa will be here on Monday. We are happy she and Ethan are coming home! Our grandchildren are delightful and wonderful.......and growing. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and the happiest of new years.