Ella was in the family room the other day and her mom called her to come and do something and after she had called her several times, Ella very matter of fact-ly marched into the kitchen and informed her mom that she was 'busy' after which she marched right back out and back to the picture she had been drawing. It was fairly hysterical and I have smiled every time I have started to say to someone "maybe later, I'm busy" or "not yet, I'm busy" Soooo..... I hesitate to begin this little entry with "I've been busy" and not very focused on blogging...in fact, I am fairly certain that I don't really even need to say that because I will assume that you can surmise that from the dates of entry on this thing. And my busy and y'all's busy are likely very different things. Mine is more likely 'piddly' busy than urgently busy. And I think my head is where I am busiest. I have a LOT going on in my head......that does not necessarily translate to being physically busy. Or productive; or anything that even remotely resembles overly scheduled. Some of my busi-ness has included a day or two spent with Natalie at "Time Out For Women". I am at a place in life where I don't feel like I really need a 'time out' but Natalie loves it and she needs to be able to do some of the things that she enjoys. Johnny was here at the house while I was gone and he wanted to know what we had done to warrant a 'time out'. Funny huh!
We also had a little jag to the rodeo this week to see Toby Keith. The rodeo is fun. The temple has been closed so we are looking forward to that starting again this week and John and Madi are out on spring break and so I am looking forward to a little time with them. Lisa turns 26 tomorrow so we need a little celebration. And Corey finished with his neo natal rotation and goes to 'ambulatory'. I have no idea what that means except that it is at Ben Taub and so I assume he will have a story or two. The kids went to Bill Cosby who appeared with the Houston Symphony this week and Johnny was awarded first alternate for the the first grade on his science project. That means he can go to districts if one of the top three opt not to go or are unable to enter. Rags is working the Rockets. And Marisa is buried (it sounds like) Really quite busy! I got a very fun phone call from Caden this week. I saw on my cell that a call was coming in from Chira's phone and when I answered it all I heard was a darling little guys voice talking about I am not sure what. It took me a while to realize that his mom didn't know that he was making phone calls but I heard something about bananas and mom and daddy and cake and walking in the park. What a fun baby! oops, little man! I am going to put myself through a tutorial about how to download photos and get them posted so have a great week and I will quit with the less than focused blog entry. Smiles and love...........