Monday, September 22, 2008


What an amazing thing electricity is. We were restored to power this afternoon and we are so grateful. I hope I can REMEMBER (that is one of the most oft repeated words in the Book of Mormon) to be grateful for blessings that are such an everyday part of our lives that we forget just how great a blessing they are.

Friday, September 19, 2008


A week ago tonight I was sitting in Provo having just sent Kerry back to Houston on an airplane to face down IKE! We had been in Utah working wedding plans and visiting our folks and checking in with ever growing grandchildren. The weather in Utah by the way was lovely! The evening was pretty much a wash because it is tough to focus on anything substantial with your fam in harm's way. Nightime came and went and the next morning revealed the effects of a massive weather event that will have a lasting place in our memory banks. All was well with our family and properties with the exception of a few trees in our yard and the electrical service that IKE hauled off with when he left! Nan and I dodged it as we sat it out in Provo. We flew back to Houston Monday afternoon after having several flight delays and was able to check in with kids and grandbabies who were roughing it at our house. We had purchased a generator after Rita and now that we are a week without power, we are SO GRATEFUL that we have some resource. GAs was tricky for a few days and groceries and diversion running thin. We need to do an assessment (one we can keep in a place where we can access it) The emotional aftermath is real and significant in that it is difficult to watch people lose everything they have temporally and not feel their pain and their loss and not have your own sense of security (or insecurity as the case may be) impacted. The very up-side is that it is nothing short of awe-inspiring and faith promoting to have the spiritual support you need from a loving Father in Heaven when there is no where else you can go. A very real manifestation of 'as thy days may demand so thy succor shall be'